Liudmil Antonov, PhD, DrSci

May 26, 1966 – Born in City of Breznik, Bulgaria
1989 – Graduated from Faculty of Chemistry, University of Sofia, as MSc in Organic and Analytical Chemistry
1994 – PhD in Chemistry (Applied Spectroscopy), University of Sofia
2006 – DrSci (DrHabil) in Chemistry (Analytical Chemistry), National State Committee in General and Analytical Chemistry
1994-1998 – Assistant Professor in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, National Forestry University, Sofia
1998-2006 – Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, National Forestry University, Sofia
1999-2003 – Head, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, National Forestry University, Sofia
2007-2013 – Associate Professor in Physical Organic Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2013-2020 – Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2020-currently – Full Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Leading Researcher in the National Research Program VIHREN, Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2021-currently – Research Professor (part-time), University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia
2021 – Received the Grand National Pythagoras Prize 2021, the most prestigious scientific award in Bulgaria
Visiting Fellowships and Professorships:
1995-1966 – Tokyo Tech (UNESCO PostDoc, quantum chemistry, 12 months), Prof. T.Iijima, Prof. J.Komiyama, Prof. M.Satoh. Final thesis “Theoretical investigations of the tautomerism of some phenylazonaphthols”
2002 – Photonics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan (Japanese Society for The Promotion of Science, two-photon absorption spectroscopy, 8 months), Prof. K.Ohta
2003-2004 – Humboldt University of Berlin (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, fluorescent spectroscopy, 12 months), Prof. W.Rettig
2006 – Photonics Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan (Japanese Society for The Promotion of Science, two-photon absorption spectroscopy, 8 months), Prof. K.Ohta
2011 – Tokyo Tech (Japanese Society for The Promotion of Science, quantum chemistry, 6 months), Prof. S.Kawauchi
2012 – Free University of Berlin (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, mass spectrometry, 3 months), Prof. Ch.Schalley
2015 – Tokyo Tech (Tokyo Tech Visiting Scholar, 3 months)
2019 – University of Rostock (Mare Balticum Fellow, 2 months)
European Photochemical Association
International Society for Plant Spectroscopy
Tokyo Institute of Technology Alumni Association
Bulgarian Humboldt Union
Union of Scientists in Bulgaria
General and Analytical Chemistry (National Forestry University, Faculty of Agroculture, 1997-2006)
Organic Chemistry (National Forestry University, Faculty of Agroculture, 2002-2006)
UV-Vis absorption and emission spectroscopy (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, PhD Training Center)
Research Interests:
Quantum chemistry (relative stability of equilibrium systems, solvent effects, absorption and emission spectra prediction)
Molecular Spectroscopy (UV-Vis-NIR, fluorescence, mass spectrometry)
Chemometrics (including derivative spectroscopy and overlapping bands fitting)
Tautomerism (experimentally and computationally)
Supramolecular chemistry (host-guest interactions, molecular switches and wires, sensoring systems)
Dye chemistry (design and properties – photochromism, thermochromism, halochromism, solvatochromism, aggregation)